Make sure Santa knows where to leave your gifts this Christmas with thisstandout Santa sack. He certainly won’t miss this gift sack among your otherChristmas decorations!This very special sack is made in 3D red felt. It has a white woolly-beardedSanta face on the front, with beady black eyes and a great big pompom nose.It comes with a smart satin lining, and Santa can close the sack after he’sfilled it up, using the drawstring, which also has pompom ends. Soldindividually, this sack measures 390mm x 510mm.There are several stories about the origins of the Christmas stocking, sack orsock, which is such a key part of our Christmas decorations today. Someclaim it started with St Nicholas, who grew into Santa, leaving gifts of gold forthose in need, including three daughters lacking dowries. These good deedswere done in secret (hence the origins of the story of Santa never being seenon his gift-giving mission).Although this is the most widely accepted root of the tradition, St Nicholas hasblended so many local customs along the way that it is hard to say where it allbegan. Among the myths, there are hints of historical remnants, such as thestory that in some parts of Italy, it used to be a grandmother’s role to placesmall gifts in stockings or shoes for her grandchildren. In some Europeancountries, including Holland, children still put out their shoes, rather thanstockings, to be filled with gifts, sometimes leaving a carrot as enticement forSanta’s reindeer.Whether you are planning to provide mince pies for Santa, or carrots for hisreindeer, you’ll need somewhere for him to leave his gifts. So be sure to getthis sack when you buy Christmas decorations this year.