Once the traditional Christmas decorations have been hung, the presents have beenbought and the tree is sparkling in a place of pride, it's time to look at your dining room- the scene for that most important of festive celebrations - the Christmas lunch!Themed tableware and home wares can help transform your dining room and table intoa festive wonderland. While tableware and home wares may not be an obvious choiceto top your Christmas list, these essential items offer practical and attractive decoratingsolutions your family and all your guests will appreciate and enjoy. 


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Our selection of festive platters, serving bowls, plates, bowls and mugs are the mostpractical of Christmas decorations, and can be used time and time again to add somecolourful cheer to your celebration. Holiday-themed platters are ideal for use at thetable, and they can quickly turn Christmas biscuits, chocolates and other treats intowell-received Christmas gifts for those who drop in unexpectedly.

We also offer a range of table runners in lovely rich festive colours, from red and greento elegant gold and silver. Patterns include holly designs, to a simple Merry Christmas.Combine a runner with an elegant display of Christmas decorations and you have atable perfect for the occasion. The use of themed home wares adds a fun and festivetouch to your culinary offerings. The many whimsical choices available from TheChristmas Warehouse, from plates shaped like Christmas trees, to candy cane andgingerbread serving dishes, are sure to inspire peals of delight from family and friendsthis holiday season.