The Animated & Colourful Christmas Unicorn On Sled features an unusually talented Unicorn with a proclivity for snowboarding. The unicorn is crafted using fluffy fabric materials in such colourful radiance of red, white, blue, yellow, purple, gold, pink, and green. It even has a motivational message on its chest, a mane, a horn, a Santa hat and colourful tail.
Do you have a kid who is a lover of or believer in unicorns? Then you must not miss out on this! Even if your child has never been a fan of unicorns, this moving snowboarding unicorn certainly will. It will be a particularly welcomed gift that would make them dance around the house in joy at the unveiling of the gift wrap. To get this cheerful, sporty Unicorn moving, simply press the area behind the left hand glove that is sewn in red and watch the festive magical creature do her thing. It requires just two AA type batteries which are already included in every order you place. Please note that it isn't suitable for children under three years old without parental supervision.